Ross Manor Assisted Living Facility
Location: Permitting for Building Addition and Site Improvements; Initial Phase Design & Construction: Parking and Circulation
Location: Bangor, Maine
Scope of Work: Rezone project site and obtain local site plan approval and State Site Location of Development (SLODA) approval for assisted living facility 40-room addition.
Under previous association, Steve Ribble, ASLA designed a use strategy for a multi-development zoned site that realized the Owner’s development goals. Effort included consensus based rezoning, floor plan, parking and circulation design, and creative stormwater management design that responded to the site’s location within a state recognized Impaired Stream Watershed.
The construction plan allows access to the constricted building addition area concurrent with uninterrupted daily operation of the facility. The initial construction phase included installing stormwater management and parking/circulation elements, thus providing future construction access/staging and parking for daily operations while protecting the impaired watershed. This phase was completed in September 2009 and has performed as designed during storm events.
Steve’s involvement included concept development, state and local regulatory permitting, construction documents, bid and construction administration.
Contact: Kenneth Bowden, CEO - First Atlantic Healthcare